When we move home, we are often advised to ‘live with’ the house for a year, in order to see how we actually use the space. However, with the garden, it’s a different story.
Whilst it’s lovely to have the luxury of time in order to see how the outside space works and what perennials and bulbs come up over the year, there’s always in my mind the underlying need to define boundaries, to get hedges and trees in swiftly and to start to claim the garden as one’s own.
I write this a year to the day after having moved to our dream home. A village house, tucked away from the High Street, with a garden with room enough for rooms. If I decide to go down the Rooms Route, of course. I’ve had twelve months to consider and re-jig the layout, and I’ll write about this in later posts.
For now, the excitement is in the bareroot roses which were planted November: they have started to push out tiny pinky-red shoots which means THEY ARE GROWING. It never fails to amaze me that the bundles of raggedy dirty spiky sticks which arrive in November, only a few months later provide the most gorgeous of blooms.
This time I’ve had the chance to indulge my love of the rose. More next time on why I selected them, but for the moment, here are some of the thirty roses which have gone into the garden:
- Adelaide d’Orleans
- Creme de la Creme
- Snow Goose
- Ghislaine de Feligonde
- The Lady of the Lake
- Cecile Brunner Climbing
- Eglantyne
- Ispahan
- Charles de Mills
- The Lark Ascending
- Zepherine Drouhin